Lublin University of Technology
City: Lublin Is the institution a member of the EOSC Association: No
Lublin University of Technology is an inheritor of academic values. An important objective of the University is to participate responsibly and creatively in the process of formation of a modern information society in our country. It is particularly important to carry out scientific research with respect for freedom of expression, scientific truth and objective evaluation of results. The university authorities have initiated a number of measures to introduce good practices related to Open Science: implementation of the OA Mandate at LUT in November 2020 and the appointment of the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Open Access supported by an informal open science team (composed of specialists from the Centre for Scientific and Technical Information); implementation of an open publishing model for journals, monographs and textbooks by the Lublin University of Technology Publishing House; launch of institutional collections in the general research data repositories: Zenodo (part of the EOSC infrastructure) and RepOD; organisation of events and training for researchers and PhD students.
Contact Person:
Katarzyna Weinper
+48 81 538 46 64