
Community consultation on MAR 2026-2027 open 03-22 September 2024

Community consultation on MAR 2026-2027 open 03-22 September 2024

The EOSC Association Board of Directors has drafted a Multi-Annual Roadmap (MAR) for 2026-2027, outlining priority activities for implementing EOSC at the European, national, and institutional level. A three-week consultation to gather community feedback on the draft MAR opened on 3 September 2024 and will run through 22 September 2024 (23:59 CEST).

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Call for candidates for four EOSC-A Director positions

Call for candidates for four EOSC-A Director positions

A call for candidates for four (4) Director positions is hereby launched for the 2024 elections, which will take place during the 9th General Assembly of the EOSC Association (GA#9). GA#9 is an online meeting to be held on 22 November 2024, and elections will take place via an online voting procedure.

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The Sarah Jones Award

The Sarah Jones Award

On the occasion of what would have been Sarah’s 43rd Birthday, the Research Data Alliance launched “The Sarah Jones Award for exceptional contribution to fostering collaboration in Open Science”.

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Questionnaire for parties interested in contributing to the build-up phase of the EOSC Federation

Questionnaire for parties interested in contributing to the build-up phase of the EOSC Federation

The construction of the future EOSC has entered an important phase. The EOSC EU Node is expected to be presented to the scientific community in the frame of the EOSC Symposium in October 2024. Meanwhile, the discussions are intensifying on the aims, structure and tasks of the individual EOSC Nodes that will complement the EOSC EU Node to initiate the formation of the EOSC Federation

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Call for EOSC Federation Handbook Contributors

Call for EOSC Federation Handbook Contributors

During the Brussels European Tripartite Event, the EOSC Tripartite Governance also mandated the EOSC Association to continue leading on the drafting of the EOSC Federation Handbook. The purpose of the Handbook is to create a single reference document describing the EOSC Federation, its operational structure and responsibilities, its legal and governance framework, and its technical operations.

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Ask Me Anything online sessions about the OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services

Ask Me Anything online sessions about the OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services

Join the OSCARS Team for dedicated one-hour Q&A online sessions about the application process for the OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services. 

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Events in Poland

April 10-12 2024
Nazwa Wydarzenia

Polish Open Science Conference 2024


The Polish Open Science Conference is a unique event in Poland, devoted to issues related to various aspects of Open Science, bringing together all stakeholders related to the collection, sharing and management of research data, creation of repositories and scientific infrastructures, development of initiatives related to EOSC, sharing publications, articles and monographs in Open Access, as well as issues related to openness in the context of scientific evaluation. It is an event created by and for the Open Science community and the only one that invites researchers, scientific communities, librarians, data stewards, creators of scientific infrastructure, tool suppliers, IT specialists, publishers, and various types of organisations to discuss and exchange experiences.

Krakow, Poland


ACC CYFRONET AGH and AGH University Main Library

Termin rejestracji

Forma wydarzenia


June 12-15 2024
Nazwa Wydarzenia

EuroScience Open Forum 2024


The programme includes lectures, seminars, a debate, workshops, poster presentations and exhibitions, interactive sessions, and a wide array of public engagement forms. The theme for the ESOF2024 is: Life changes science. Katowice will host Europe’s and the world’s leading personalities in the world of science, academic researchers, representatives of public and non-public institutions supporting science, business people, representatives of media, and those interested in the role of science in the contemporary world.

Katowice, Poland


EuroScience, University of Silesia in Katowice, City of Katowice

Termin rejestracji

Forma wydarzenia


November 30 2023
Nazwa Wydarzenia

10th Anniversary of the Centre for Digital Humanities


The Centre for Digital Humanities invites you to celebrate its tenth anniversary together. The festive event will take the form of a symposium in English, providing an opportunity to present the latest digital publication: Panorama literaturoznawstwa cyfrowego (Eng. Digital Literary Studies: A Panorama) and to discuss and reflect on the future of humanities research and infrastructure in the era of digital transformation.

Adam Mickiewicz Room (Room No. 144), Staszic Palace, Warsaw


Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Termin rejestracji

23 November 2023

Forma wydarzenia


March 14-15 2024
Nazwa Wydarzenia

Digital scientific repositories: tools, functions, directions of change.


The Jagiellonian Library in Kraków, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the launch of the Jagiellonian University Repository, is organizing a conference aimed at analyzing the past and present of digital repositories, as well as at diagnosing their future.

Jagiellonian University, the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow


The Jagiellonian Library in Krakow

Termin rejestracji

Od 30.10.2023 to 01.03.2024

Forma wydarzenia


Events Abroad

November 22 2024
Nazwa Wydarzenia

EOSC-A 9th General Assembly


The 9th EOSC Association General Assembly will take place online on Friday, 22 November 2024. The virtual meeting gives you the opportunity to conveniently join us from your preferred location, to vote on decision items, and to contribute to critical discussions that impact the direction of EOSC-A. Notably, we anticipate that four Board of Directors positions will be filled at GA#9 via direct election by the EOSC-A membership. This represents a significant turnover of the EOSC-A leadership at a critical time in EOSC’s development, and we encourage all qualified Members to strongly consider enrolling as candidates.



EOSC Association

Termin rejestracji


Forma wydarzenia


May 29 2024
Nazwa Wydarzenia

Citizen Science: Policy and Practicalities of Engaging Citizens in R&I – PolSCA Webinar


In the wake of the evolving landscape of research and innovation, the concept of Citizen Science emerges as a pivotal force driving engagement, collaboration, and societal impact. As we navigate through Horizon Europe’s 2nd Strategic Plan and anticipate the forthcoming Work Programme for 2025, it becomes increasingly evident that harnessing the power of citizen engagement is essential for realizing the ambitions outlined in Horizon Europe. Citizen Science, as endorsed by the European Commission and encapsulated within the Horizon Europe programme, represents a paradigm shift in research and development. It champions a multi-actor approach, inviting citizens to actively participate in scientific endeavors, from data collection to analysis, thus democratizing the scientific process. Within the framework of Horizon Europe, Citizen Science serves as a catalyst for social readiness, fostering inclusivity, transparency, and trust in research and innovation. Our webinar aims to explore the concept of Citizen Science, examining its implications, challenges, and opportunities. It serves as a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge exchange, as we collectively embark on a journey towards a more inclusive, participatory, and impactful research landscape. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of Citizen Science in shaping the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.




Termin rejestracji

till 26/05/2024

Forma wydarzenia


March 15 2024
Nazwa Wydarzenia

OSCARS Open Call for Open Science Projects


Join us on 15 March 2024 for the OSCARS Project Open Day! This event marks the launch of the OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects with ~€16 million of funding available. Researchers from all disciplines are invited to propose innovative projects that will advance FAIR data-intensive research throughout the European Research Area. Register to learn more about the Open Call and improve your chances of submitting a proposal. Ideal for researchers, data scientists and members of research infrastructures.



OSCARS project

Termin rejestracji

from 5 February 2024

Forma wydarzenia


October 21-23 2024
Nazwa Wydarzenia

EOSC Symposium 2024


The EOSC Symposium 2024 will be held 21-23 October 2024, in Berlin. The EOSC Association, in collaboration with EOSC Focus, will take on the organizational responsibility for the EOSC Symposium 2024, a pivotal event in shaping the trajectory of EOSC post-2027. EOSC Symposium 2024 will take place under the patronage of the German Minister for Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger. The event is being organised in coordination with the EOSC-A German Mandated Organisation, NFDI, the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW) and EOSC-A Member.

H4 Hotel Alexanderplatz, Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 32, Berlin, Germany


EOSC Association in collaboration with EOSC Focus

Termin rejestracji

06.02 - 18.03.2024 (17:00 CET)

Forma wydarzenia


Join our growing network at EOSC Poland by sharing your initiatives, research, or projects. Your event could be crucial for the development of Open Science in Poland. Fill in the form below, and let’s build the future of science together.

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