GoTriple Platform

Full Name of the Institution: GoTriple Platform

Address: ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa Category: Tools

GoTriple is part of the OPERAS research infrastructure, linked to EOSC. The Digital Humanities Centre of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as a member of the consortium’s management group, was one of the contractors of the TRIPLE project, which created a multilingual and multicultural platform for the humanities and social sciences, enabling the exchange of information on current activities and projects and improving the search for scientific materials and research data published in different languages. Key information related to TRIPLE was communicated to Polish audiences through the OPERAS-PL newsletter and mailing campaigns. In 2022, Agnieszka Szulinska from the CHC of the ILR PAS was appointed ambsadora of the platform for humanities resource discovery and collaboration. The platform is maintained and continuously developed through the GoTriple Committee, which includes CHC representatives.