Open Call for EOSC Association Task Force Members
The EOSC Association has reconfigured its Task Forces (TFs). Candidates interested in becoming a TF member are invited to submit their applications by 21 April 2024.
This is your opportunity to join the EOSC brain trust critical to influencing decisions in targeted areas of the development and deployment of EOSC! Whether you are a data expert, are passionate about industry collaborations, or have niche technical knowledge, your brain power is needed to solve complex problems and advise EOSC-A during a critical period of its implementation.
Strategic reorganisation of Task Forces
Following the completion of the two-year mandate of the original 13 EOSC-A TFs (2021-2023), a comprehensive assessment was undertaken by the EOSC-A Board in interaction with the Task Forces. The Board reached a consensus on the creation of four new TFs and has drafted a Terms of Reference document for each new TF, which defines its scope and activities through the end of the next mandate period (end of 2025):
- FAIR Metrics and Digital Objects Task Force
- EOSC Technical and Semantic Interoperability Task Force
- Long-term Data Retention Task Force
- Health Data Task Force
The new TFs will be constituted in May 2024, and will be operational before the summer break.

The application form and all information on how to apply to become a Task Force member, including the eligibility criteria and the selection principles, is available on