Activities to promote and raise awareness of Open Research Data
Full Name of the Institution: Gdansk University of Technology
Adres: ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk Category: Competence Development
Activities to promote and raise awareness of Open Research Data are aimed at disseminating effective methods and practices in publishing and sharing research data among the academic community of Gdansk University of Technology. Key to the goals set for this initiative is creating a team of qualified data stewards, responding to the need for support for researchers and doctoral students at Gdansk University of Technology focused on the scientific disciplines within which research activities are conducted. The activity of data stewards will contribute to increasing the quality of research conducted by employees of the Gdansk University of Technology, increasing the number of datasets and articles related to research data published by them, and in the long run, will result in an increase in the visibility of their achievements on the international arena.
Activities to promote and raise awareness of Open Research Data are part of implementing the „Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) program’s tasks to raise the quality of the university’s scientific activity under Activity I.4 (Activities to increase the number of publications in prestigious journals and publishers). The Activities are being implemented as of February 2024.