CRIOS Cryosphere Integrated Observatory Network on Svalbard

Full Name of the Institution: University of Silesia in Katowice / The Polish Polar Consortium

The CRIOS project aims to modernize and expand an automated monitoring network focused on the cryosphere of Spitsbergen as a calibration/validation system for indirect research. The project responds to what and how should be measured automatically concerning cryospheric studies. It is one of the first projects to consolidate the Polish scientific community in terms of homogenized research equipment, not only the formal structure. The proposed way for open access to the generated data will enable further research development and contribute to valuable publications with a much broader spatial range.

All measurement stations will operate following the standardized measurement protocols developed as part of joint workshops and training sessions based on the SIOS Core Data process and WMO standards. The key element of the observatory network will be real-time data transfer to the open repositories, following the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability), for researchers and stakeholders.