Open Access initiatives at the University of Siedlce
Full Name of the Institution: Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (from 1.10.2023 University of Siedlce)
Address: Konarskiego 2, 08-110 Siedlce Category: Other
The University of Siedlce publishes 12 scientific journals in Open Access. As part of its Open Access activities, the university maintains a Knowledge Base that serves as an institutional repository. This database is systematically expanded with new functionalities. UwS also supports the funding of publishing scientific articles in Open Access in journals indexed in international databases by covering the costs of APCs. In 2022, an agreement was signed with the publishing house Taylor & Francis supporting OA publishing. The University also carries out educational activities on Open Access, including organising training courses run by external specialists to improve staff competence in this area. The Scientific Information Branch of the Main Library offers consultation to staff on, among other things: data management plans (e.g. for NCN grant proposals), predatory publishers, free licence publishing and Open Access publishing programmes. The university also popularises the idea of Open Science among students. Students at the Doctoral School deepen their knowledge of the subject as part of the subject ‘Scientific databases’, and issues relating to OA issues are discussed by the supervisors in their graduation seminars.