Piotr Krajewski
Full Name of the Institution: Gdansk University of Technology Position Held: Gdansk Tech Library | Open Science Competence Center

I work in the Scientific and Technical Information Services at the Gdańsk University of Technology Library. I was involved in university projects – MOST Wiedzy and MOST DANYCH (https://pg.edu.pl/most/) related to creating and developing the mostwiedzy.pl portal. I’m also a member of the Open Science Competence Center team, established at Gdańsk Tech in 2018. His activity related to Open Science focuses primarily on institutional open publishing programs, verification datasets deposited to open research data repository (http://doi.org/10.17616/R31NJMT2) and Data Management Plans created at the University of Technology. Co-organizer, speaker and participant of numerous Polish and international conferences, author of publications on scientific communication, history of medicine, and public health. https://mostwiedzy.pl/en/piotr-krajewski,1138151-1.