Full Name of the Institution: Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Address: Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warszawa Category: Infrastructure

OPERAS-PL is the Polish branch of the European OPERAS infrastructure, which aims to develop open scientific communication in the Polish humanities and social research. The Centre
for Digital Humanities at the ILR PAS has been coordinating OPERAS-PL activities since 2021, and in 2022 obtained funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under
the ‘Science for Society’ programme for the implementation of the project: “OPERAS-PL: Innovative science communication in the humanities. Development, evaluation, competences’. The aim of the project is to internationalise Polish open access humanities monographs, develop standards for open scientific communication in the humanities, develop new OA funding models in cooperation with publishers and disseminate in the Polish scientific community the research infrastructure built by the OPERAS consortium. OPERAS-PL
is currently collaborating with CLARIN-PL on the development of good practices for making research data available in literary studies.