Call for EOSC Federation Handbook Contributors

The EOSC Federation Handbook will comprehensively address the purpose, structure, governance, architecture and operations of the EOSC Federation.

The Tripartite Group, which has the remit within the EOSC Partnership’s Tripartite Governance to steer the community development of the EOSC Federation, has endorsed EOSC-A to continue to lead the community-wide co-creation of the EOSC Federation Handbook.

The decisions taken by the EOSC Tripartite Governance on the EOSC Federation will be reflected in the Handbook, which will through this process of iteration become the reference document for the operation of the EOSC Federation.

The EOSC Federation Handbook will be written collaboratively with open consultations, meetings, events and sprints.

The planning and events during 2024 that will impact the drafting process, include:

  • Tripartite Events and Tripartite Group meetings preparing for the post-2027 governance of the EOSC Federation
  • Milestones in the deployment of the EOSC EU Node
  • 27-28 May 2024
    The 8th General Assembly of the EOSC Association will include consultation sessions with the membership on the preliminary draft
  • June 2024
    Writing of the draft EOSC Federation handbook starts
  • 05 July 2024
    Discussion of preliminary draft at EOSC Partnership Board meeting #6
  • September 2024
    First consultation meetings take place to facilitate revision of handbook
  • 21-23 October 2024
    The EOSC Symposium 2024 in Berlin, where a mature draft of the EOSC Federation handbook will be presented
  • November 2024
    European Tripartite Meeting, where the mature draft will be presented for endorsement